Continuing the Walk: Gratwick Riverside Park, North Tonawanda – Part 2
I found this little gem of a place a few minutes from home. It’s Gratwick Riverside Park, and it’s located on the shores of the Niagara River before it tumbles over Niagara Falls. It’s amazing that such a naturally beautiful place is in our own backyard, but we rarely go there. How many of you live near some popular place but rarely visit? We take it for granted that it will always be there and only go there when we have visitors from out of town!
I do like to visit the park though and try to make it a habit to walk its length and back again for some exercise and inspiration. I am adding a few pictures that I have taken recently while strolling along the shore.
Photo: Bulrushes in the sunset with Niagara Falls in the distance.
Photo: I live so close to the park that when I see a nice sunset coming, I jump in my truck, camera in hand and go snap happy.
Photo: A lone gull sits on the mini break wall as the clouds reflect off the water. This shot was taken facing north west; on a clear day, the mist from Niagara Falls can be seen in the distance.
Photo: Such a serene place to watch the last light of day.
Photo: This is our Arches tray feeder hanging in the curly willow tree. It’s made from top quality PVC and it’s very affordable, functional and long lasting. The park is one of my favorite spots for taking product shots.
Photo: Of course, if we have an Arches PVC tray feeder, it stands to reason that we must also offer an Arches PVC planter. This one shows real plants directly installed in the body of the planter. We also filled this with artificial plants to show its versatility.
Photo: Sometimes the sun is blinding as it shines off the water, like a mass of gold coins, along the shore I find lots of driftwood full of character and different shapes.
Photo: So, at the end of a perfect day, my arms full of driftwood, my camera full of beautiful scenes, and my head clear and focused, I walk back towards home as the sun says its final farewell.
How lucky we are to have such a gift as Gratwick Riverside Park at the bottom of our street.